The President said: "For every problem in the country, there are hundreds of solutions that can be derived from global experiences to solve them, but the main problem is the inability to implement these solutions due to a lack of motivated and skilled people."
According to Ashura News, quoted by Tasnim News Agency, President Masoud Pezzekian stated this afternoon during a trip to the east of Tehran province at the Pardis Science and Technology Park: The problem of underdevelopment in the country does not mean that there is no solution; rather, it means that we have not been able to identify, select, and implement solutions properly. To solve every problem, there are hundreds of solutions that can be used from global experiences and implemented in the country. There is no problem for which a solution cannot be found, especially if these solutions are extracted from the experiences of other countries.
He added: The fundamental problem is that we still do not have those who have these skills and executive knowledge, or we have not been able to create this motivation in the minds of people to implement real changes in practice. It is the lack or shortage of motivated people and specialized skills that prevents solving problems.
The President continued: "In fact, the problem we are facing is the lack of people who have the knowledge, skills, and motivation to implement changes in the country. Here you have shown an example of the same changes and executive solutions, but why have we not been able to act as successfully at the national level?"
Pezshkian clarified: "The reality is that solutions are abundant in our country. The main problem is that our administrative structure is generally frozen. In the country's management system, changes have not been accepted in the minds of many officials and they still think in old ways. When these changes have no place in an individual's mind, we cannot expect that person to be able to make changes in reality."
He emphasized: "My hope in this direction is to talk to universities and scientific institutions. We must have a new perspective in the field of management so that we can implement fundamental changes." In short, what we need to solve problems are people with knowledge and motivation who can identify solutions and turn them into action.
For urban and social development, we must rely on young talents and elites
The President emphasized the need to cooperate with elites and universities to solve urban and social problems, saying: Sociology and development require a multidimensional approach that must utilize all scientific and specialized capacities. We are still stuck in a closed cycle where instead of solving problems, we are involved in fruitless management changes.
Pezshkian emphasized: Solutions exist, and especially the new generation of universities that think as a team and multidimensionally can effectively help solve the country's problems.
He also pointed out the lack of effective strategies in implementing projects and existing imbalances, saying: Elites and universities must participate in this process, because only by changing thinking and inter-organizational cooperation can real development be achieved.
For sustainable development, a balance must be established between resources and consumption
Continuing his speech, Dr. Meskan emphasized the need to establish a balance between development and resources, and continued: The government and universities must work together, not only to think about regional development, but also about a sustainable future for the planet.
He added: Development must be in a way that does not harm resources and that there is a balance.
Referring to the importance of scientific research in fourth- and fifth-generation universities, Dr. Meskan continued: We must use the world's scientific experiences to prevent environmental destruction while we develop. We are moving towards the destruction of the planet and we must find a solution to this issue.
Emphasizing the importance of examining the consequences of development and resource use, he noted: As we learned in microbiology, reproduction without regard to limitations quickly leads to destruction. This is exactly the problem we are facing in the global community now. We must pay special attention to urban development and our natural resources, especially water, and make more accurate predictions for the future.
The President also spoke about the need for cooperation between the government and universities to solve the country's problems and said: The government must provide the necessary platform for implementing scientific and development projects. We must have a far-sighted view and use global experiences to solve the country's problems.
He concluded by emphasizing: Our duty is to lay the groundwork for the realization of these goals and use the country's elite for sustainable development. Different regions of the country, especially the Makran coast, have great potential for economic and commercial development that must be exploited.
For sustainable development, we must create infrastructure before development
Messian continued, referring to the special capacities of the Persian Gulf region, and said: All of these have solutions. You can partner with foreign investors and create trade and development conditions in the free zone, with your own regulations. This is something that can help the country's sustainable and balanced development.
He also spoke about his experiences in various government departments and stated: We have experienced these trends in the past, but we must conclude that problems cannot be solved by changing individuals alone. This requires a coherent and planned system that involves all sectors.
Messian concluded: We must build systems that provide quality and equal services to all people in the country. Just as we need to provide timely services in the healthcare sector, we must create these systems in all sectors so that no Iranian feels deprived anywhere in the country.
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