The head of the judiciary, noting that we emphasize dealing wisely and decisively with various manifestations of corruption, said: "We will not tolerate anyone in the fight against corruption."
According to Ashura News, citing the Judiciary Media Center, Hojjatoleslamwalmuslemin Mohseni Ejei, in continuation of his series of meetings and brainstorming sessions with members of the commissions and factions of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, held a meeting with members of the "National Security and Foreign Policy" Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly.
In his speech at this meeting, referring to the topics raised by members of the "National Security and Foreign Policy" Commission of the Assembly, the Head of the Judiciary stated: I consider the topics and topics raised by you, the representatives of the people in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, to be concerned and compassionate; we in the Judiciary do not claim to be without flaws or problems; we have devoted all our efforts to correcting weaknesses and shortcomings, and in this direction, we accept the points of view and criticism of all those who are concerned and concerned. We believe that the judiciary can do better and more in some issues, and we are focused and oriented in this direction.
The head of the judiciary said: Of course, it should be noted that sometimes a person criticizes and complains about a topic and category from the position he is in; but when this person's position changes, his position also changes towards the same topic and category; we had many examples of people who were in the judiciary and had a specific opinion on an issue, but when they went to other institutions, their opinions on those issues also changed.
The head of the judiciary clarified: At one point in time, during a meeting in one of the important forums, personalities who had responsibilities in the country at some point criticized and complained about the way the country was governed; I said to them, "Aren't you gentlemen responsible in this country?" So why didn’t you take corrective action during your term of office to eliminate the categories that you interpret as “bad governance”? As the saying goes, we should stick a needle in our own hands and a needle in the pocket of others.
The Chief Justice stated: “In all the universities I attend to talk to students, I emphasize to them that if you have complaints about the actions of the officials, list these complaints so that when you reach a position of responsibility and authority, you don’t follow the same wrong path. At one point, I attended a university in Tehran and was confronted with a multitude of critical remarks, and of course, in many cases, the right of the students present in the meeting. Then I asked the audience how many graduates of this university are currently in charge in the country? In response, they mentioned a significant number; I told those critical students in the assembly, "So, you who may be held accountable in the future, take these criticisms into account and, during your term of office, avoid doing anything that will cause people to complain."
Referring to the judiciary's determination to fight various manifestations of corruption wisely and decisively, Hojjatoleslamwalmuslimin Mohseni Ejei continued: "Corruption is contagious; sometimes financial corruption also brings political and cultural corruption." We in the judiciary emphasize dealing with various manifestations of corruption wisely and decisively, and we will not tolerate it.
Referring to the people's livelihood situation, the head of the judiciary said: "Now, the people's livelihood situation is not only not good, but also bad; all powers and institutions must work to strengthen the country's economic and productive strength, which is effective in improving the people's livelihood situation. The culture of supporting investors in the country must change; we should not consider wealth as a negative value." Certainly, amassing wealth through illegitimate means is reprehensible and undesirable and must be dealt with firmly and legally; however, we should not consider wealth that is legitimate and obtained through strengthening the country's economic and productive strength reprehensible and undesirable.
The head of the judiciary stated: According to existing statistics, a significant number of Iranians reside abroad; we must certainly benefit from the intellectual and material capacities and creativity of these Iranians residing abroad.
Are all Iranians living abroad counter-revolutionary? Are many of them worse than some elements who take action inside the country? Is it undesirable for the enemy to recruit Iranians living abroad or for them to return to their homeland, even if they have criticism and open their mouths to criticize and complain?
Referring to his work priorities during the 44 months he has been in the position of head of the judiciary, the Chief Justice said: From the very first day that I was given the responsibility of head of the judiciary, I outlined several work priorities for myself, taking into account the country's essential needs, and in line with those priorities, I adopted a series of measures and measures; one of those priorities was to help strengthen the country's economic and productive strength in order to improve the people's living conditions. I firmly believe that in order to strengthen the country's economic strength, production barriers must be removed and investment security must be improved. The dignity of the investor who wants to contribute to the country's economic and productive prosperity must be preserved; We should not deal with him in a way that will repel him and we will regret it after a while.
During this meeting, in response to the remarks of one of the attendees regarding the lack of publication of the content of the courts, the Head of the Judiciary, while explaining the relevant law and emphasizing the distinction between the category of "publicity of the courts" and the category of "public publication", referred to the experience of granting permission to special courts for economic corruption and its extension in the late 1990s and said: In 2099, when we wanted to extend the permission of special courts for economic corruption, many sympathizers and concerned people, including some members of parliament, emphasized that the public and public publication of the content of special courts for economic corruption has consequences; therefore, upon the request of the then Head of the Judiciary to the Supreme Leader to extend the permission, this category was removed.
Many omissions are not crimes; It is a violation
The head of the judiciary, emphasizing that the judiciary must be a pioneer in adhering to the law, said: Sometimes, in areas where there is no law, demands and demands are raised from the judiciary; for example, in the discussion of "omission of acts", it should be noted that not every omission of acts is a crime and the judiciary cannot intervene in them, and the matter is pursued as administrative violations within the agencies themselves; of course, our inspection organization has intervened in some of the omissions; so that last year, more than 10,600 reports of violations and omissions of executive departments were referred by the inspection organization to the relevant departments.
Many laws that are enacted are not applicable a month later due to the country's conditions
The Chief Justice continued by addressing the pathology of drafting and regulating laws and said: Sometimes, we do not have the ability to implement some laws that we pass in the country at the same time as they are drafted. Sometimes, our passed laws, whether in the form of a plan or a bill, are drafted without considering the budget and financial burden.
Referring to the problems and constraints of budget and credit in the judicial system, the Chief Justice said: I emphasize once again to you, the representatives of the people in the parliament, that the doors of our courts and prisons are open for you to visit, and you can visit the judicial authorities and prisons within the framework of legal standards and express your points of view, and also become closely acquainted with our problems and shortcomings.
Let's reach a decision in the meetings and act on it
In the continuation of this meeting, referring to the issue of endowment lands raised by a number of parliamentarians, Hojatoleslam Walmuslemin Mohseni Ejei said: Today, most provinces of the country are facing issues and topics related to endowments; on the one hand, the boundaries of some endowment lands are not clear; on the other hand, in some cases, endowment documents may not exist and even those who did not have the authority to do so may have made endowments. It is necessary to reach a government decision regarding the issue of endowment lands and lands that are said to be endowments; a decision that includes the rights of the people and endowments.
Before the speech of the head of the judiciary, "Azizi", the head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Parliament, stated that the judiciary has a great mission in ensuring the security and satisfaction of the people, and said: "Our goal in requesting this meeting was to create synergy regarding common solutions to achieve sustainable security and judicial diplomacy in the country."
He added: "The series of measures and efforts, especially the provincial visits of the head of the judiciary, as well as the decisive actions of the judiciary against criminals, have increased the hope and satisfaction of the people." In another part of his speech, Azizi referred to the combined war imposed by the enemy against our country and said: "All three branches must prepare themselves to confront the enemy's combined war, of which the economic sphere is only one of its dimensions."
The head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Parliament stated: We need a comprehensive internal security law in the country and we hope that the judiciary will take the lead in presenting a bill for this law.
"Siraj", the Deputy Head of International Affairs of the Judiciary, also mentioned some measures taken in his speech, referring to the cooperation and synergy of the Human Rights Headquarters with the Human Rights Committee of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Parliament, and mentioned some of the measures taken to facilitate the judicial affairs of Iranians abroad.
"Maliki", the representative of the people of Zahedan in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, stated that during the tenure of Hojjatoleslam Walmoslemin Mohseni Ejei, we have witnessed the promotion of this authority, and called for only major and strategic discussions to be raised in the meetings of the heads of the three branches.
In another part of his speech, he spoke about some of the problems that exist in the eastern regions of the country.
"Moqtadaei", a representative of the people of Isfahan in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, stated that the social capital of the judiciary has increased over the past years, and said: "The judiciary is one of the groups that creates hope in society, and we must appreciate this opportunity."
In another part of his speech, he called for increased communication and cooperation between the Human Rights Committee of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Parliament and the Human Rights Headquarters.
"Shahriari", a representative of the people of Bojnourd, Jajarm, and Samalqan, also presented issues related to the legal, judicial, and registration problems of Iranians abroad in this meeting and called on the judicial system to take the necessary measures to solve these problems in countries where there are more Iranians.
"Khazarian", a representative of the people of Tehran, Islamshahr, Pardis, Rey, and Shemiranat, also stated in this meeting that the concept of justice is directly related to the issue of security, and said: "The conditions should not be such that the manifestations of corruption in our country are many and widespread, and unfortunately, powerful and rampant."
Khazrian also called for the establishment of a system by the judiciary to allow people to find out how much of their sentence people who have committed public crimes and have been sent to prison by court order have served in prison.
In another part of his speech, he criticized the transfer of Iran Khodro to Cruise Company and the manner in which the hotels of the Mostazafan Foundation were transferred.
Mohseni Sani, a representative of the people of Joghatai, Jovin, Khoshab, Davarzan, Sabzevar, and Sheshtamed, also stated that at this time, the issue of national security should receive more attention and concern from the authorities, and called for greater synergy and cooperation between the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Parliament and the judiciary to solve the problems of the peripheral cities of Khorasan Razavi Province.
In another part of his speech, he criticized the lack of physical space in some prisons and, stating that the current situation in this area has improved slightly compared to the past, but has not yet reached the desired point, he said: "The productive capacity should be used to build prisons around cities."
Hojjatoleslam Wal-Muslimin "Nabavian", a representative of the people of Tehran, Islamshahr, Pardis, Rey and Shemiranat, also called for preventive measures to be taken by the judiciary regarding the issue of online gold sales.
He also raised issues related to the FATF and then called for the judiciary to enter the Crescent issue.
"Golro", a representative of the people of Semnan and Mehdishahr, also stated in this meeting: The effects of the interaction and synergy of the three branches of government in Semnan province, especially after the recent visit of the head of the judiciary to this province, are very tangible and the situation has improved significantly compared to the past.
In another part of his speech, he referred to the numerous cases created between the people and the endowments, and called for the judiciary to address this issue urgently and specifically.
"Zarei", a representative of the people of Tehran, Islamshahr, Pardis, Rey and Shemiranat, also stated in his speech: Today, the social capital of the judiciary has been enhanced; on the other hand, the social capital of the head of the judiciary has also been high in the past and continues to be high; nevertheless, it is necessary that these social capitals be used more than before to resolve the problems of the people.
In another part of his speech, he criticized the performance of the Inspection Organization and said: Inspection means prevention, while today we are not witnessing such an event in practice.
Zarei also criticized the passivity in the field of aggressive approaches to human rights by the competent authorities in our country and said: In the Iranian sphere, the place of the public prosecutor is literally empty.
"Rezaei", a representative of the people of Dashtestan, also appreciated the resolution of the problem of the documents of the people of Abbakhsh Bushehr after 70 years through the efforts of the judicial system, and said: Due to such measures, today the Chief Justice of Bushehr province is considered one of the most popular officials in this province among the people.
He also called for facilitating the process of requesting the application of Article 477 and in another part of his speech said: The situation should not be such that in judicial cases, the bailiff makes decisions instead of the judge.
"Boroujerdi", a representative of the people of Khonj, Garash and Larestan, also stated: If we have economic security in the country, many investors will choose Iran to carry out their economic activities.
He also said: The public's expectation from the judiciary is to expedite the issuance and execution of verdicts related to open and obvious crimes.
"Nejabat", a representative of the people of Shiraz, also stated in his speech that among the agents of the system, the people have the most contact with the members of the parliament, and said: The head of the judiciary repeatedly emphasizes the issue of the independence of judges, and the question is: what mechanism will be in place to confront it if this independence is not respected?
"Velaytamdar", a representative of Qazvin, Abeek and Alborz, also raised issues related to the case of the satisfaction of the new refreshing car.
He also referred to the problems between the people and the endowments in Qazvin province and called for special attention from all competent departments, including the judiciary, to this issue.
Fallahi, a representative of the people of Ilam, Ivan, Shirvan, Cherdavel and Mehran, while appreciating the active and honest judges of the judiciary, criticized some judges who suffer from the syndrome of being ordered.
He emphasized the need to deal decisively with judges who do not observe judicial etiquette in the courts and further called for the judiciary to take appropriate measures to reduce the rate of home burglaries.
Fallahi noted that the revival of production units and dealing with various mafias by the judiciary has created hope among the people.
“Zahrehvand”, a representative of the people of Tehran, Islamshahr, Pardis, Rey and Shemiranat, also referred to the high volume of cases in judicial centers and authorities and the high workload of judges, and said: “The situation should not be such that 46 years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, we are faced with problems in the field of governance in the country; we must take steps to resolve the problems in a structured manner.”
“Rezazadeh”, a representative of the people of Salmas, also referred to some problems related to endowments in West Azerbaijan province and appreciated the good credits provided during the provincial visit of the head of the judiciary to this province last week.
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