Pourdehghan: Not all of the country's problems are caused by foreign sanctions

The representative of the people of Ardakan in the parliament said: "We must, while trying to remove and neutralize the sanctions, also carry out a series of economic reforms in the country."


According to Ashura News, Mostafa Pourdehghan, referring to some of the recent statements of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution that sanctions are the cause of some of the problems, but sanctions are not the whole problem, stated: As the Supreme Leader said, not all of our problems are due to the sanctions of the enemies.

He stated: Of course, we must pay attention to the fact that sanctions and economic war must be resolved, which requires neutralizing sanctions and also economic and political openings. Negotiations must also be conducted based on the three important principles that the Supreme Leader has raised, namely wisdom, honor, and expediency.

A member of the Industries and Mines Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly continued, saying: On the other hand, there should be no idea that despite the sanctions and economic war, everything has stopped. We must also carry out a series of economic reforms in the country based on the current structures of our economy.

Pourdehghan explained: For example, in the area of ​​subsidies, reforms are necessary and urgent measures must be taken in this regard. The importance of economic reforms is that even if political openings occur and sanctions are lifted, if we do not reform our economic structures, we will definitely suffer.

Stating that economic reforms in the area of ​​subsidies are vital, he stated: Also, many economic enterprises are under the government’s management, and one of the important economic reforms is that the government should move towards transferring these enterprises to the private sector.

Referring to another part of the Revolutionary Leader’s statements on avoiding indecision and abandoning work, the Ardakan People’s Representative in the Islamic Consultative Assembly said: The Supreme Leader rightly pointed out that in some cases we do not make decisions and we think that not making decisions is right. Accordingly, we must definitely make timely decisions to solve important issues and affairs of the country and have good speed in making decisions and implementing them.


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